
Christmas Rangoli

Notes from Hema, November 27:

Found a lovely website, that we could keep open to exploration at the hotel and as a link on the blog. http://www.ikolam.com/ (Kolam is the tamil word for Rangoli but its also used generally in the south of India and Rangoli is from Sanskrit)

A video: http://www.ikolam.com/videos

I can do many freehand designs easily. But I so want to learn this, maybe in the summer: http://www.indian-heritage.org/alangaram/ihkolm/iha3.html

Also created an FB album where I will add any other rangoli photos that I find from my archives: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10204857278289500&type=1&l=70a3f65d95

I loved this video!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbQcGdyT86M It has the chaos, the sounds, the casual approach etc that emody rangolis in India.

For those interested in the math angle, I found this interesting site: http://vindhiya.com/Naranan/Fibonacci-Kolams/

I can do some of these designs: http://www.uttaranchal.org.uk/aipan.php

And some of the my favourite designs are on this page: http://www.chitrolekha.com/V1/n1/03-Indian-Floor-Paintings.pdf

************End of Hema's notes, something I had found before: *********************

These are from a presentation someone else did, and left her images at Slideshare.net:

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